Fox News says Taxes are bad, so I'm Voting Republican!

'Bernie Sanders wants to increase tax rates on the wealthiest Americans to 92%. Can you imagine what that will do to small business?' - Some "Maria" lady on Fox News just now.

I know, I've been watching Fox News for 5 minutes, and I'm already ranting about how stupid it is.

A few points:

1. In case you weren't aware, the tax rate on the wealthiest Americans during the Great Depression actually hit about 94%, and that was what helped to fund the national government and enable it to provide the public works programs which employed millions of Americans.
2. She says this like it's a horrible thing at a time in our history when (once again) the general public is completely fed up with the greed of the richest people in our country, and the idea of taxing them more is actually a really popular one.
3. Last I checked, the wealthiest people in the US aren't Small Business owners... we're talking about the top 1%, or the top 10%, right? Unless you consider WalMart to be a small business, you're just wrong.

Shut your stupid face.

Okay, so I say that, but she does have one small point which is probably true. Taxing these people more usually causes them to want to pass the burden onto their businesses and customers. While this may be true, there are steps that the Federal Government could take to curb this - Similar to what Richard Nixon did (mind you, a Republican) in the early 70's... from WikiPedia ( Nixon issued Executive Order 11615 (pursuant to the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970), imposing a 90-day freeze on wages and prices in order to counter inflation. This was the first time the U.S. government enacted wage and price controls since World War II.

Yes, you read that correctly. The Federal Government put a freeze on, not just wages, but PRICES. Have you noticed that, whenever the minimum wage goes up, you go to the McDonalds drive-thru the next day and realize that the cost of a Hamburger Meal has increase by a dollar? This kinda makes the whole minimum wage increase more hurtful to the public than helpful, and the government could actually do something about that, but they haven't in recent decades.

The other thing to think about is that, although this may have worked during the Great Depression, there wasn't quite the same World Economy in the 1930's that we have now. Realistically, many large, multi-national corporations could simply shift their operations overseas to avoid costs here. Sadly, this is happening anyways, and we need to find ways to combat this. There are many ways in which the United States alone could change its Imperialistic world policies to help ensure that wages and employment laws in so-called "Developing" countries like Bangladesh, Vietnam, Nigeria, are similar to what we enjoy in the "Developed" countries. For that matter, how about we start with Mexico??? 
For those of you who are thinking of voting for Hillary Clinton...
I know I'm going off on a slight tangent here, but for those of you who are thinking about voting for Hillary, let's talk about some of the effects of the policies of the Clinton Administration.

1. Repealing of the Glass-Steagall Act: Arguably, this one thing basically caused the financial crisis of 2008

2. Implementation of NAFTA: The trade agreement between the US, Canada, and Mexico, which basically helped to give large US corporations free reign in Mexico, put most of their poor, local farmers out of work as their land was sold off, helped to increase poverty in the country, which probably contributed to the drug trade situation we have there now, and also was a great motivation for US companies to move jobs there, and also cause more Mexican people to attempt to flee to the United States. So, now we're complaining about the exporting of jobs and our Immigration problems? (On that note, the TPP (or Transpacific Partnership) is going to be "NAFTA on Steroids")

Before I stray too far from my original point, let me say that my point was that the United States can do a great many things to help influence the economies of other countries in a positive way, if it really wants to.

Okay, that's enough for now. I can't wait to hear any comments that this may bring. It's an interesting discussion that is long overdue.


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