
Showing posts from June, 2019

Climate Change and our Short-Sighted Perspective

In recent weeks and months, it seems like the topic of Climate Change has gotten to be more and more difficult to ignore as it has not only shown up in the form of new reports like this one  by David Spratt and associates in Australia, but also in the form of what seems to be record-setting numbers of tornadoes and floods in the Midwest this year (though, you don't see any weather-people making the association on any mainstream news).  To top that off, we have the beginning of what will most likely be another devastating fire season here in California - I can't wait to breathe all of the smoke from that in the coming months (it tends to drift down to us in Fresno). Just some of the recent news articles found on Google News At this point, if you are someone who is still saying that Climate Change isn't real or that it isn't man-made, that's probably because someone is paying you to say so... In which case, I would like you to please go get a spoon and shove it

Time to ditch Facebook?

Maybe it's time to ditch Facebook and just post stuff here on my own blog?