
Showing posts from March, 2020

Why I support Bernie Sanders

I was recently asked outright why it is that I support Senator Bernie Sanders for President.  My initial response was something like, "It's complicated.  I'll write a 10,000 word essay on my blog and then post a link".  So I went off and wrote a few detailed paragraphs about anti-corporatism and the Green New Deal and blah blah blah... after working on it for an hour or so, I realized that it didn't explain all of the different facets enough and that I'd have to come back to finish it later. A week or so went by.  During that time, my wife and I won tickets to go see Hamilton (the musical, for those of you who have been living under rocks) in San Francisco and decided to drop everything to go.  Somewhere near Oakland on the drive up there on Tuesday, we went under an overpass where someone had posted a homemade sign which simply read: "Bernie: People over Profit".  I saw this and thought, "Yeah, that about sums it up... I'm gonna totally s