
Showing posts from June, 2005

The Downing Street Memo and the Fantasy of Impeachment

Finally, evidence has surfaced in the American media which implies that the Bush administration (as well as Prime Minister Tony Blair and his administration) had full intention to invade Iraq on a set of conjured-up reasons for regime change well before the actual invasion in March of 2003. Not that there weren't a thousand other things that would also suggest the same, but this is a clear and consise piece of evidence that can easily be acknowledged by even the most simple-minded and ignorant of American citizens. There is a hearing taking place in a Democratic forum as I write this, and there is talk that the implications of the whole ordeal could eventually lead to the impeachment of the President. Of course, for anyone who truly is aware of the many reasons why the Bush administration is the worst thing to happen to planet Earth besides global warming, the thought of impeachment brings about the need for a clean pair of shorts. But what are the chances of this happening? It

Will humanity survive the 21st century?

As you can probably ascertain from my previous post, I am what some people would consider to be a huge nerd. I like to think of myself as the Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde of nerds- I switch from being a nerd to being a socialite on command, only I don't need a potion to do it (I have found that alcohol has an unpredictable effect... it usually only amplifies whichever state I happen to be in at the time of consumption). Anyway, being an avid Star Trek fan goes along with the nerdy side of my personality. What really appeals to me about Star Trek is not just the cool toys and super-powerful starships, but also the ideology behind it that sets a goal for mankind. In the Star Trek world of the 24th century there is no money and there are no poor people. By then, the world has become a collective commune that all people are equally included in. There are no evil multinational corporations and there are no wars (at least on Earth). Earth's environment is well protected and things seem li