
Showing posts from August, 2008

My Semi-Mobile Prison

So, I didn't see anything in the news about it anywhere, but I was stuck in what became the worst traffic jam of my life on Friday. I went up to Sunnyvale (a few miles north of San Jose) to work in our office there on the laptop that the VP of Sales is using. My employee came with me in his car with the intention of meeting his wife there and then going on to San Francisco for the weekend. I wasn't able to leave until 3PM, which is right at the cusp of when you would normally want to get out of that area before hitting bad traffic. Many people know that there has been some construction going on south of Gilroy where there is a turn-off of the 152 that leads to Hollister. Although it usually doesn't happen to me, I got stuck in traffic there for about 20 minutes. I was a little frustrated, but okay. I drove past the Hollister turn-off and accelerated back up to about 80MPH, went about two miles and noticed a CHP car leading a group of cars in front of me. Before I knew